How to push files to bitbucket from my windows system?

To upload files to bitbucket from your windows system ,first you need to install git and after have to clone repository to local device with clone git command ,it automatically create folder for you with all your server files.update changes and push your data .Here will discuss each steps

Lets see the steps

1) Download git for windows from

2) Install Git

3) Open cmd and try git status


Git bitbucket from my windows system

4) move cmd directory to your project folder using #cd D:\newprojetc

5) Clone your bitbucket respository using below command

# git clone https://[email protected]/PROJECTNAME/RESPOSITORYNAME.git
auto create all your bitbucket files to your system newprojetc folder

6) update the files you needed and and commit using

#git git add .
#git commit -m “initial commit”

7) upload files using Push command

#gift push https://[email protected]/PROJECTNAME/RESPOSITORYNAME.git

uploaded files to bitbucket from yoursystem

how can I create my own blog?

Creating your own blog is easy as making instant noodles,like maggi packet everything is available in one packet that is called CMS(content management system),by using any of the content management system you can start your own blog in couple of of the most famous CMS is WordPress,millions of blogs are already developed using this simple system. Here am going to discuss with how to develop your own blog with WordPress

see steps

1) Buy your own domain name and hosting space from any of the hosting service provider like go daddy,dont forget to compare the pricing


2) Download WordPress from the site

3) upload downloaded WordPress archive to the hosting space,that you bought from any of the hosting provider .every hosting provider will give cpanel can use those credential to upload file to root folder

create my own blog

4) Unzip uploaded WordPress files and move the files into root folder

5) Using cpanel GO to MySQL database area

go to phpmyadmin

6) create a new MySQL database name and username


MySQL databse

7) Open any browser type

8) fill database info and user info

9) create admin username and password move forward

10) Now visit your own website is live now

cheer 🙂

What are the possible project topics for computer science student?

if you ask What are the possible project topics for computer science student most of them suggest Attendance Management System,Library Management System, Hospital Management System etc .When you took any of this topics and search in google you will get ready made code so it is easy for you just download and submit.if you are doing your computer science course for getting challenging job means you should not do this,compared to other technology information technology is the only technology improving in each in your project what topics you are using is nothing but what technology is important.

My personal suggestion Whatever topics you are going to choosing is nothing but what technology your going to use is important.I think next generation technology is for AI (Artificial intelligence) ,so machine learning has better role in it. better try to use language like python ,or any ML languages for developing your project. Millions of job opening are coming for machine learning experts. if you are interested in User Interface,better to include Node.js or AngularJS in your projects.

always choose simple topics but don’t forget to use modern technology to build the projects,if you need any help don’t hesitate contact me.Better luck for your future.