How to apply array_slice in PHP object array

Here my requirement is to fetch first five items from an Object if it is a normal array means i can fetch the first nth item from the php array using the PHP build in function array_slice() for example we have an array like below
let we check how to get first element of array in using array_slice()
after we will discuss how to apply array_slice in PHP object array

$myarray=array("Mangoes","Jack Fruits","coconuts","Bananas","Apple","Orange");



Array ( [0] => Mangoes [1] => Jack Fruits)

In the given example fetching first 2 values from the array using build in function array_slice();

Now my issues is here my array is not normal array it is an object array so i can’t use directly array_slice()

First i have to convert Object array to normal array and i can i apply the code see example below



it will return an array with first five value of $OBJ_array

how to add google news feed in your websites using PHP

Here we are going to discus how to add google news feed in your websites using PHP ,we know that google is proving XML for news feed here is the link for that

Here KEYWORD is search query what we are going to add as news feed in your website

This link output xml formatted news feed from that latest websites we can use same xml in your site ,we can use PHP function to convert from one suitable format

Suppose we need to display Cricket World Cup news feed in your website you have to replace KEYWORD with ‘Cricket World Cup’ see example API link below

Next Step to get the data from the XML

we need to use simplexml_load_file for that

See below code


$arrayG = json_decode(json_encode((array)$xml), TRUE);

TO display latest 10 item we have to use

$arrayFeed=array_slice($arrayG['channel']['item'], 0,2);
foreach($arrayFeed as $key=>$value)

echo "</pre>
<div class="col-md-9 nfspara">".$value['description']."</div>
"; }

see demo out from the below link
News Feed

Out Put

add google news feed in your websites using PHP