What are Python’s built-in data types?

Understanding Python’s Built-in Data Types

Python is a versatile and powerful programming language that offers a variety of built-in data types to manage different kinds of data efficiently. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, understanding these data types is essential for writing clean and effective Python code. Let’s dive into Python’s built-in data types and explore how they work.

1. Numeric Types

Numeric types are used to store numbers, including integers, floating-point numbers, and complex numbers.

  • int: Represents whole numbers (e.g., 1, -2, 100). x = 10 # An integer value
  • float: Represents decimal or floating-point numbers (e.g., 3.14, -0.001). y = 3.14 # A floating-point value
  • complex: Represents complex numbers with real and imaginary parts (e.g., 1+2j). z = 1 + 2j # A complex number

2. Sequence Types

Sequence types are used to store collections of items in a specific order.

  • list: An ordered, mutable collection of items. Examples: my_list = [1, 2, 3, "hello"]
  • tuple: An ordered, immutable collection of items. Examples: my_tuple = (1, 2, 3, "world")
  • range: Represents a sequence of numbers, typically used for loops. Examples: r = range(5) # Represents numbers 0 to 4

3. Text Type

Python’s text type is used to handle and manipulate textual data.

  • str: Represents an immutable sequence of Unicode characters. Examples: text = "Hello, Python!"

4. Set Types

Set types store collections of unique items, ensuring no duplicates.

  • set: An unordered collection of unique items. Examples: my_set = {1, 2, 3, 4}
  • frozenset: An immutable version of a set. Examples: my_frozenset = frozenset([1, 2, 3, 4])

5. Mapping Type

Mapping types store key-value pairs for quick data retrieval.

  • dict: A mutable and unordered collection of key-value pairs. Examples: my_dict = {"name": "Alice", "age": 25}

6. Boolean Type

Boolean types represent truth values.

  • bool: Can only have two values: True or False. Examples: is_active = True

7. Binary Types

Binary types manage binary data, such as bytes.

  • bytes: An immutable sequence of bytes. Examples: b = b"hello"
  • bytearray: A mutable sequence of bytes. Examples: ba = bytearray(b"hello")
  • memoryview: Provides access to the memory of a binary object without copying it. Examples: mv = memoryview(b"hello")

8. None Type

The NoneType is used to represent the absence of a value.

  • None: Indicates a null or undefined value. Examples: x = None

Dynamic Typing in Python

Python is a dynamically typed language, meaning variables don’t need explicit type declarations. The type is determined at runtime based on the assigned value. You can check the type of any variable using the type() function:

x = 42
print(type(x))  # Output: <class 'int'>


Python’s built-in data types provide a robust foundation for managing different types of data in your programs. From numbers to collections and text, these data types make Python a highly flexible language. Whether you’re building a simple script or a complex application, mastering these data types is key to writing efficient and effective code.

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