How to use MQTT Publish, Subscribe & Unsubscribe commands

MQTT Subscribe commands

Here is the MQTT Subscribe syntax to a particular topic (Hello_world)

 mosquitto_sub -h  'SERVER_IP_ADDRESS'  -t 'Hello_world' 

Here is the MQTT Subscribe syntax to a particular topic Hello_world with MQTT server with username and password

 mosquitto_sub -h  'SERVER_IP_ADDRESS' -u user -P pass -t 'Hello_world' 

Subscribing to all topics

 mosquitto_sub -h 'SERVER_IP_ADDRESS' -t \# -d 

MQTT Publish a message topic Hello_world

 mosquitto_pub -t ‘Hello_world’ -m hello 

mysql between Operator

MySQL between Operator is a logical operator normally used to selects values within the range , using MySQL between Operator we can specify start and end values to fetch the values in that ranges better example for between Operator is to fetch product price within specify range.suppose we a database with eCommerce product and their price , we have to display all the product between price 500 and 900 , like this circumstance using MySQL between Operator is the best choice.

Example mysql between Operator query

SELECT * FROM EProducts WHERE price BETWEEN 500 AND 900;

mysql between Operator