what is the usage of python lambda functions

Lambda is a keyword used to create an functions without a name or in simple lambda is used to create an anonymous functions,lambda function has n number of argument with a single expression which is processed and returned the result.we know normally a function is defined in python using def statement followed by function name and argument after evaluating it should return the result to get the result value when function is called but lambda has no name and return statement

Syntax Lambda functon

lambda arguments : expression


Tenpercentage= lambda x :x * 10/100  

#"x" is an argument and "x * 10/100" is an expression which got evaluated and returned.   




python lambda functions

See above code in Normal functions syntax

def Tenpercentage(n):
  return n * 10/100


common usage of python lambda functions

Lambda function perform well if we use lambda functions inside another function see example

See example

def currency_convert(currencyvalue):  
    return lambda x:x*currencyvalue;

Israelicurrency=currency_convert(3.48);  #find dollar to Israeli New Shekel



indiancurrency=currency_convert(71.57);  #Find dollar to INR



python lambda functions inside anothor function

host is not allowed to connect to this mysql server

one of the most conman error when connecting to MySQL server is “host is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server” this because of the user don’t have right privileges to connect to this MySQL server follow below steps to connection issue in MySQL

if you have full permission in MySQL

Open Mysq-> phpmyadmin

Go to User accounts section

Create a new user and give all the privilege as shown in the below image

host is not allowed to connect to this mysql server

if you have cpanel info

Go to MySQL® Databases section

Scroll down to Add New User section

host is not allowed to connect to this mysql server 2

After Scroll down to Add User To Database section

Select table and user and Add User To Database

Click all ALL PRIVILEGES and Make Changes

host is not allowed to connect to this mysql server 3

indentationerror unindent does not match any outer indentation level visual studio code

One of the main issue we are facing with python code run is indentationerror actully that is is the confusion between tab and space in vscode. In this article we are going to discuss about how to fix indentationerror unindent does not match any outer indentation level visual studio code

Press  CTRL +SHIFT + P 

Then Convert Indentation to Tabs

indentationerror unindent does not match any outer indentation level visual studio code

python for loop continue to next iteration

Being a programmer we may face a situation we have to continue to next iteration in python for loop here in this section we are going to explore the syntax of python for loop continue statement.


for LOOP:

   # add something.

   if condition true:
      continue    # continue here
    print("Loop value without  condition true")

suppose we have a have for loop like below to print all the number between 90 and 100

for number in range(90,100):
   print('Number is ' + str(number))


Number is 91
Number is 92
Number is 93
Number is 94
Number is 95
Number is 96
Number is 97
Number is 98
Number is 99

So next our requirement we have to print only even number between 90 and 100

for number in range(90,100):
   value = number %2

   if value != 0:
      continue    # continue here

   print('Even number is ' + str(number))


Even number is 90
Even number is 92
Even number is 94
Even number is 96
Even number is 98

python for loop continue to next iteration