To remove indexed page from google use below link
To remove indexed page from google use below link
To get input from user in python we have input build in function
x= input(“Enter a number : “)
x= input(“Enter your name : “)
To get number value from input python
x= int(input(“Enter a number : “))
How to Fix a Hacked WordPress Site
we know than python is the most exposing programming language in the artificial intelligence world ,so many of the using python as the primary programming language for building their applications,in some application we may come across a situation to check whether the file exists or directory exists using python. so in this section let see in python how to check if file exists or not / directory exists or not, fortunately we have python OS library function to check if file exists or not / directory exists or not. os.path.isdir is used in python to check if directory exists and os.path.exists() is used in python to check if file exists or not.
Lets See the Syntax
1) os.path.isdir() it return True or False based on if directory exists or not
import os print(os.path.isdir("D:/testvs")) // Already one directory exists print(os.path.isdir("D:/testvs2020")) // directory not exists OUT PUT True False
2) os.path.exists() it return True or False based on if file exists or not
import os print(os.path.exists("D:/testvs2020/")) print(os.path.exists("D:/testvs/")) OUT PUT False True