Nowadays many of the website show different title character in google search page ,this is actually done by the hackers, the will replace our original title with Japanese ,Slavic languages, Indo-European languages, East Slavic languages, Balto-Slavic languages any of the languages with our website title this is why google shows the wrong title for my website. Here am going to explain how to remove that hack or spammers and bring back our current title to google search result page.
See below Images google shows the wrong title for my website
How to remove wrong title for my website
Step 1
Open google and search japan **replace with Slavic
open the pages code, that listing in the google search result and remove any unwanted code if their that may be done my hackers
Step 2
Open your sitemap.xml page and double confirm all the URL listed in the site map are correct URL in the website, if you find anything regenerate sitemap and resubmit to google webmaster
Step 3
Sort Files by date of modified and find out any new files update without your permission
Step 4
check file permission if any having 444 permission delete that files and upload the same files from your backup.
Step 5
Open google webmaster account
report the hacked pages and remove it with the help of google webmaster
Step 6
Resubmit Sitemap and Recrawl
Open Crawl => Fetch as google =>Fetch and render
See in picture