To remove Pop-up Ads from chrome open this link ‘chrome://extensions/’ in your chrome browser ,it will show all the extension installed for your browser , remove all unwanted extensions from the installed extension, after that don’t forgot to restart your browser.
Category: Others
How to add a target _blank on a WordPress menu item custom links
In WordPress custom links their is already build in choice check box ‘Open link in a new tab’, but by default it is hidden you can enable that from the screen options as in the below images
If you enable that options from the screen options tab automatically a check box will come as ‘Open link in a new tab’ like below image, check that check box and save now onward your new link always open in a new tab
python for loop example
Here is the python for loop example code
cars= ["BMW", "AUDI", "TESLA"]
for x in cars :
Here is the python for loop example2
for x in "python": print(x)
How to get the last value in an list using python
To get the last value in an list using python is a very simple ,we can use Negative indexes , it is the index from the end of the List.
arr_even = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 ,16 ,18]
Output 18