How is Python interpreted?

Python is considered an interpreted language, meaning its source code is executed line-by-line at runtime by an interpreter rather than being compiled directly into machine code. However, Python’s interpretation involves a few key steps:

Steps in Python Interpretation:

  1. Compilation to Bytecode:
    • When you run a Python script, the Python interpreter first compiles the source code (.py files) into bytecode.
    • Bytecode is a low-level, platform-independent representation of your code, stored in .pyc files within a __pycache__ directory.
    • This step happens automatically and is generally invisible to the user.
  2. Execution by the Python Virtual Machine (PVM):
    • The compiled bytecode is then interpreted by the Python Virtual Machine (PVM), which executes the bytecode instructions.
    • The PVM translates these instructions into machine code specific to your operating system and CPU architecture.
  3. Dynamic Nature:
    • Python’s interpreter also dynamically resolves types and manages memory at runtime, contributing to its interpreted nature.

Why Python Feels Interpreted:

  • No Explicit Compilation Step: Users don’t need to manually compile the code into an executable file before running it.
  • Line-by-Line Execution: Python scripts are executed immediately, which makes debugging and testing quicker.
  • Portability: The bytecode can run on any platform with a compatible Python interpreter.

Interpreters and Implementation:

Different Python implementations have varying ways of interpreting the language:

  • CPython: The standard and most widely used implementation of Python. It compiles code to bytecode and interprets it.
  • PyPy: A just-in-time (JIT) compiler implementation of Python that speeds up execution by optimizing bytecode into machine code at runtime.
  • Jython: Python implemented in Java, which compiles Python code into Java bytecode.
  • IronPython: Python implemented in C#, designed to integrate with .NET.

In conclusion, Python is interpreted through a combination of compilation to bytecode and execution by the Python Virtual Machine, which abstracts the complexity and allows developers to focus on writing Python code.

What are Python’s key features?

Python is a versatile and powerful programming language with several key features that make it popular among developers. Here’s an overview of Python’s most notable features:

1. Easy to Learn and Use

  • Simple Syntax: Python has an intuitive and clean syntax that closely resembles plain English, making it easy to read and write.
  • Minimal Setup: It requires fewer lines of code to perform tasks compared to many other programming languages.

2. Interpreted Language

  • Python executes code line-by-line, which means you can test and debug quickly without a separate compilation step.
  • Errors are reported immediately at runtime, helping in rapid prototyping and development.

3. Dynamically Typed

  • You don’t need to declare variable types explicitly; Python automatically determines the type at runtime. x = 10 # Integer y = "Hello" # String

4. High-Level Language

  • Python abstracts complex programming details, allowing developers to focus on problem-solving rather than low-level details like memory management.

5. Cross-Platform Compatibility

  • Python is platform-independent, meaning the same code can run on various operating systems (Windows, macOS, Linux) with minimal or no changes.

6. Extensive Standard Library

  • Python includes a comprehensive standard library that provides modules and functions for:
    • File I/O
    • String manipulation
    • Data serialization (e.g., JSON, XML)
    • Internet protocols (e.g., HTTP, FTP)
    • Data structures (e.g., lists, dictionaries)
  • Example: import math print(math.sqrt(16)) # Outputs: 4.0

7. Support for Multiple Paradigms

  • Python supports different programming paradigms:
    • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): Classes and objects.
    • Functional Programming: Functions are first-class citizens.
    • Procedural Programming: Step-by-step instructions.

8. Large Ecosystem of Libraries and Frameworks

  • Python has a vast collection of third-party libraries and frameworks for various applications:
    • Web Development: Django, Flask
    • Data Science and Machine Learning: NumPy, pandas, TensorFlow, PyTorch
    • Automation: Selenium, PyAutoGUI
    • Game Development: Pygame

9. Community Support

  • Python has a massive and active community that contributes to its development and provides support through forums, tutorials, and open-source projects.

10. Embeddable and Extensible

  • Python can be embedded into other applications to provide scripting capabilities.
  • You can extend Python using C, C++, or Java for performance-critical tasks.

11. Built-in Garbage Collection

  • Python manages memory automatically using its built-in garbage collector, which reclaims unused memory to optimize performance.

12. Open Source

  • Python is free to use, distribute, and modify, which encourages collaboration and innovation.

13. Integration Capabilities

  • Python can be integrated with other languages like:
    • C/C++: Through libraries like ctypes or Cython.
    • Java: Using Jython.
    • .NET: Using IronPython.

14. Highly Scalable

  • Python is suitable for small-scale scripts as well as large, complex applications, making it a flexible choice for various project sizes.

These features collectively make Python an ideal language for beginners and professionals alike, and they contribute to its widespread use in fields like web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and automation.

Inheritance in python example

Inheritance in python is the procedure in which one class inherits the properties from another class or in simple one class inherits the methods and attributes of another class.The class whose property being inherited is called parent class(base class) and the class which inherited property form parent class is called child class.Inheritance is one of the great example of code reusability in object-oriented programming language.

Inheritance in python with example

class Employee:
    # init method or constructor 
    def __init__(self, name,employee_id):
        self.employee_id = employee_id = name
    # Sample Method 
    def welome_emp(self):
        print('Hello, welcome', self.employee_id, 'Your EMployee Id is',

class mechanical_depart(Employee):
    def depart_time(self):
         self.start_time = '10 am'
         self.close_time = '7 pm'
         print('Hello,', ,' we will start at', self.start_time , 'and close at', self.close_time)
mech = mechanical_depart('Anamika','Emp1009')

Inheritance in python example

In the above example , employee is the parent class and the mechanical_depart is the child here when we create an object of mechanical department mech = mechanical_depart(‘Anamika’,’Emp1009′) .It actually using the parent class __init__ methos to assign the value of employee name and employee id.In the above mech is actually an object of mechanical_depart class but still we can use that object to call welome_emp, method inside his parent class Employee.
mech.welome_emp() is printing Hello, welcome Emp1009 Your Employee Id is Anamika out from the parent class Employee.

Like other OOPs language Python support different kind of Inheritance , Single Inheritance,Multi-level Inheritance, Multiple Inheritance and Hierarchical Inheritance

1) Hierarchical Inheritance in python

When more than one child class are inherited from the same parent class it is called Hierarchical Inheritance.In the blow image A is the parent class and B,C ,D and E are the child class derived from the parent class B this kind of inheritance is called Hierarchical Inheritance in python.

Hierarchical Inheritance in python

Example Hierarchical Inheritance in python

class Employee:
    # init method or constructor 
    def __init__(self, name,employee_id):
        self.employee_id = employee_id = name
    # Sample Method 
    def welome_emp(self):
        print('Hello, welcome',, 'Your EMployee Id is', self.employee_id)

class mechanical_depart(Employee):
    def depart_time(self):
         self.start_time = '10 am'
         self.close_time = '7 pm'
         print('Hello,', ,' we will start at', self.start_time , 'and close at', self.close_time)

class IT_depart(Employee):
    def depart_time(self):
         self.start_time = '9.30 am'
         self.close_time = '7 pm'
         print('Hello,', ,' we will start at', self.start_time , 'and close at', self.close_time)

class HR_depart(Employee):
    def depart_time(self):
         self.start_time = '8 am'
         self.close_time = '5 pm'
         print('Hello,', ,' we will start at', self.start_time , 'and close at', self.close_time)
mech = mechanical_depart('Anamika','Emp1009')

hr = HR_depart('Monica','Emp1009')


Hello, welcome Anamika Your EMployee Id is Emp1009
Hello, Anamika  we will start at 10 am and close at 7 pm
Hello, welcome Monica Your EMployee Id is Emp1009
Hello, Monica  we will start at 8 am and close at 5 pm

2 ) Multiple Inheritance in python

When a child class is derived from more than one parent class that type of Inheritance is called Multiple Inheritance in python.In the below image A and B are parent class and C is the child class.So C inherit the property of both A and B.

Multipl Inheritance

Multiple Inheritance example in python

class Employee:
    # init method or constructor 
    def __init__(self, name,employee_id):
        self.employee_id = employee_id = name
    # Sample Method 
    def welome_emp(self):
        print('Hello, welcome',, 'Your EMployee Id is', self.employee_id)

class IT_depart():
    def depart_time(self):
         self.start_time = '10 am'
         self.close_time = '7 pm'
class system_depart(Employee,IT_depart):
    def depart_process(self):
system = system_depart('Joy','Emp1019')
Hello, welcome Joy Your EMployee Id is Emp1019

3) Multi-level Inheritance in python

As the name suggest Multi-level Inheritance in python is the way Y is inherited from X, then Z is inherited from Y, so Z is indirectly Z is derived from X and Y.

Multi level Inheritance

Multi-level Inheritance example in python

class Employee:
    # init method or constructor 
    def __init__(self, name,employee_id):
        self.employee_id = employee_id = name
    # Sample Method 
    def welome_emp(self):
        print('Hello, welcome',, 'Your EMployee Id is', self.employee_id)

class IT_depart(Employee):
    def depart_time(self):
         self.start_time = '10 am'
         self.close_time = '7 pm'
class system_depart(IT_depart):
    def depart_process(self):
system = system_depart('Joy','Emp1019')


Hello, welcome Joy Your EMployee Id is Emp1019

4) Single Inheritance in python

This is the simple Inheritance , in which child class derived from the one parent class

Single Inheritance in python

Python class and object tutorial with example

class and object are basic concept in object-oriented programming languages.a class is a collection of functions and variables, class is written by a programmer and should followed by a standard structure. object is simple an instance of a class.In this article we are going elaborate Python class and object tutorial with example.class in python is created by the keyword class.

So now we know the basic of a class,still wondering why we are using it and what are the advantages of class in python.

advantages of class in python

  • Re-usability
  • Data Redundancy
  • Security
  • Code Maintenance
  • Design Benefits. etc

Python class syntax

class Name_of_the_class:
    # Statement-1
    # Statement-N

Python class and object tutorial with example code

class calculator:
   def sum(a, b):

     return a + b
   def multip(a, b):

     return a * b
   def div(a,b):

     return b / a
cal= calculator()

Python class and object tutorial with example

Object of class in python

We know that object is an instance of a class, in simple Object of class in python is the copy of a class with actual values in it.In the above example cal is the object of the class calculator.we can create n number of object for a single class .example cal1= calculator() is the other instance of the class calculator() like this we can create n object for the class calculator().

__init__ method

__init__ method is a method in python ,it is like exactly like constructor concept in PHP or Java,__init__ is automatically called when an object of that class is created.__init__ method is normally used to initialize the data in a class.

Example of __init__ method in python

class Employee:
    # init method or constructor 
    def __init__(self, employee_id,name):
        self.employee_id = employee_id = name
    # Sample Method 
    def welome_emp(self):
        print('Hello, welcome', self.employee_id, 'Your EMployee Id id',
p = Employee('Anamika','Emp1009')