The for loop that is used is python,whenever we need repetition or iterate over a sequence .For Loop is one the frequently using loop in python.For loop has simple syntax .Let see the for loop syntax in details.
Here we are going to iterate over a sequence
#For Loop Syntax in Python
cars = ["SWIFT", "BELANO", "BMW"]
for x in cars:
Python modules and packages are ways to organize and reuse code, but they serve different purposes. Here’s a detailed breakdown of each and how they differ:
What is a Python Module?
A module is a single file of Python code that contains definitions and statements such as functions, classes, and variables.
The file must have a .py extension.
Modules make it easier to organize and reuse code by importing it into other scripts.
Example of a Module:
def add(a, b):
return a + b
def subtract(a, b):
return a - b
You can use this module in another script:
import math_utils
result = math_utils.add(3, 5)
print(result) # Output: 8
What is a Python Package?
A package is a directory that contains multiple modules and a special file.
The file (can be empty) marks the directory as a package and allows it to be imported like a module.
Packages help organize related modules into a single namespace.