Explain the concept of metaclasses in Python

In Python, metaclasses are a powerful and advanced concept that allows you to control the creation and behavior of classes. A metaclass is essentially a class of a class — it defines how classes themselves are constructed, rather than how instances of those classes are created.

Concept of Metaclasses

  • Classes in Python are instances of metaclasses. This means that just as an object is an instance of a class, a class is an instance of a metaclass.
  • A metaclass is responsible for defining how a class behaves. It is a class whose instances are classes themselves.
  • By defining a metaclass, you can customize the behavior of a class during its creation. This includes modifying its attributes, methods, inheritance, and more.

Basic Understanding

  1. Classes: In Python, classes are used to create objects. For example: class MyClass: pass
  2. Metaclasses: A metaclass is responsible for creating classes. For example, when you define MyClass, Python internally uses a metaclass to create it.

How Metaclasses Work

When a class is defined, Python looks for a metaclass to use. By default, the metaclass is type, which is the base class for all classes in Python. However, you can specify a custom metaclass for a class using the metaclass keyword.

Example of a Metaclass

Here’s an example of how to define and use a metaclass:

# Define a metaclass
class MyMeta(type):
    def __new__(cls, name, bases, dct):
        print(f"Creating class {name} with metaclass {cls}")
        # Modify the class attributes or methods if needed
        dct['class_name'] = name
        return super().__new__(cls, name, bases, dct)

# Use the metaclass in a class definition
class MyClass(metaclass=MyMeta):

# Creating an instance of MyClass
obj = MyClass()
print(obj.class_name)  # Output: MyClass


  • MyMeta is a metaclass that inherits from type. It overrides the __new__ method, which is called when a new class is created.
  • Inside __new__, we modify the class dictionary (dct) by adding an attribute class_name, which stores the name of the class.
  • MyClass is defined with metaclass=MyMeta, so when MyClass is created, the __new__ method of MyMeta is called, allowing us to modify the class creation process.

Metaclass Life Cycle

When a class is defined, the following steps happen:

  1. Python looks for the metaclass of the class. If a metaclass is specified (using metaclass=...), that metaclass is used. If not, Python uses the default metaclass (type).
  2. Python calls the metaclass’s __new__ method, passing the class name, the base classes, and the class dictionary.
  3. The __new__ method creates and returns a new class, potentially modifying its behavior.
  4. The resulting class is then used as a normal class.

Use Cases for Metaclasses

Metaclasses are typically used for advanced use cases, including:

  • Code enforcement: Metaclasses can be used to enforce certain patterns in class definitions, such as ensuring that a class has specific methods or properties.
  • Singleton pattern: You can use a metaclass to ensure that a class has only one instance.
  • Automatic attribute/field addition: Metaclasses can automatically add attributes or methods to classes, such as adding logging functionality or special methods.
  • Customization of inheritance: You can use metaclasses to modify the way inheritance works, such as by altering the method resolution order (MRO).

Example of Singleton with a Metaclass

A common use case for metaclasses is the implementation of the Singleton pattern, ensuring only one instance of a class exists.

class SingletonMeta(type):
    _instances = {}
    def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        if cls not in cls._instances:
            cls._instances[cls] = super().__call__(*args, **kwargs)
        return cls._instances[cls]

class SingletonClass(metaclass=SingletonMeta):
    def __init__(self):
        print("Singleton instance created.")

# Both instances are the same
obj1 = SingletonClass()
obj2 = SingletonClass()
print(obj1 is obj2)  # Output: True

In this example:

  • SingletonMeta is a metaclass that ensures only one instance of SingletonClass is created. Every time SingletonClass is called, it returns the same instance.

Summary of Key Points:

  • Metaclasses are classes that define how other classes are created.
  • They are used for advanced class customization, such as controlling class instantiation, enforcing rules, and modifying class attributes or methods during creation.
  • By default, Python uses type as the metaclass for all classes, but you can specify a custom metaclass using the metaclass keyword.
  • Metaclasses allow Python developers to implement powerful patterns, such as singletons, and automate the addition of functionality to classes.

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