php mysql query where description like any of the word in the given string?

Almost all website having a search field on the top it will search in the entire database and display related data in the user when user type a group of word almost all case user will not get accurate report,because the MySQL query using the LIKE “%$query%/”,so in this tutorial we are planning to elaborate how to search word by word in the database for given string.

#search Form

<form action="search.php" method="post">
<input type="text" name="q" value="">



$searchQ=explode(' ',$q );
foreach($searchQ as $key=>$value)
$searchquery.="description LIKE %".$value."%"
$searchquery.=" OR description LIKE %".$value."%"
$query="SELECT * FROM leads WHERE ".$searchquery;
you can use this query to fetch the data

python print function syntax

Most of the beginners in python always confuse with print function and start searching for print function in google.Like other programming language python print out put function also easy. In this tutorial we are going to explore python print ,the way to print the out put in python. print() is the function used in python to print out put.

Let see example

python print syntax

print(object(s), separator=separator, end=end, file=file, flush=flush)

object = any object, it will convert in to string and print

sep=’separator’ = Optional default ‘ ‘

end=’end’ = Default is line feed, will tell what print at the end

file = Default is sys.stdout , object with a write method.

1) python print a string “Hello World”

print("Hello World")

Hello World

2) python print a variable numberstart =10

numberstart =10


3) python print : managing tuble

tupleA = (2, 4, 8, 12) 
tupleB = ('red', 'blue')  
print(tupleA + tupleB ) 


(2, 4, 8, 12, 'red', 'blue')

python print function