Now can’t cheat your wife by saying I was busy in office work?

In this technology era it is difficult hide your personal info, google added one more in this check list , google map timeline,is the  google map new feature, that is storing each and every location you are traveling or visiting.suppose you went for party and come back home late night, but you can’t lie to your wife i was busy with my office work,intelligent wife definitely going to trap by  asking your maps timeline

How we can see your timeline

Open map in your device[1]

Open your timeline from right top menu[1]

Here you can see where he was yesterday 🙂

How to display facebook page photos in your websites using PHP

1) Create a Facebook APP and get App id and App Secret replace those values with $appid and $appSecret variables

2) Replace your page album id with $album_id variable

function web_page_ur($url)
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 5);
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$contents = curl_exec($ch);
return $contents;
 $access_token = $_SESSION['facebook_access_token'];
 $appId = '181855785764820'; 
 $appSecret = '*****************';
 // Generate access token
 $graphActLink = "{$appId}&client_secret={$appSecret}&grant_type=client_credentials";
 // Retrieve access token

 $accessTokenJson = web_page_ur($graphActLink); //file_get_contents($graphActLink);
 $accessTokenObj = json_decode($accessTokenJson);
 $access_token = $accessTokenObj->access_token;
 // Store access token in session
 $_SESSION['facebook_access_token'] = $access_token;
$album_id = 225370936573; /*180396626573 190228041312178*/

$album_name ='Timeline Photos'; 
$access_token = $_SESSION['facebook_access_token'];
$graphPhoLink = "{$album_id}/photos?limit=35&name=family&fields=source,images,name&access_token={$access_token}";
//echo $graphPhoLink ;
$jsonData =web_page_ur($graphPhoLink);
$fbPhotoObj = json_decode($jsonData, true, 512, JSON_BIGINT_AS_STRING);
$fbPhotoData = $fbPhotoObj['data'];


 $limit_photo = 9;
<?php foreach($fbPhotoData as $fb_fetch_data){

 $imageData = end($fb_fetch_data['images']);
 // $imgSource = isset($imageData['source'])?$imageData['source']:'';
 $name = isset($fb_fetch_data['name'])?$fb_fetch_data['name']:'';
 $desc=substr($fb_fetch_data['name'] ,0,160);
 <li><div class="brand_offerimg masonrybox" style="overflow:hidden;height:auto;">
 <img src="<?php echo $imgSource; ?>" class="img-fluid mx-auto" alt="">
 <div class="mason-overlay">
 <div style="padding-top: 8px;font-size: 13px;"><?php echo substr($fb_fetch_data['name'],0,250); ?></div>
 <p style="text-align: center;margin-bottom: 0;"><a href="<?php echo "".$fb_fetch_data['id']."/?type=3&theater"; ?>" target="_blank" ><i class="fa fa-facebook" style="color: #e1e200;padding: 7px"></i></a></p></div>

working model in mathematics ?

Here am going to help you to create working model in mathematics

we have famous mathematical theorem

The volume of a cone is  one-third of volume of cube having same radius and height.By using this theorem we are going to make working model in mathematics

we know volume of cube having height h and radius r is πr2h

also volume of cone having height h and radius r  is    1/3πr2h

Here is details explanation of working model in mathematics

This is the video tutorial of working model in mathematics


How to display working php page name in WordPress ?

To display display working php page name in WordPress
add below code in header.php inside theme folder

 echo  get_page_template()."gggggggggg";

See out put

 OUTPUT "/wp-content/themes/twentyseventeen/pages.phgggggggg"

default build in functon is located inside ‘wp-includes/template.php’ folder

function get_page_template() {
    $id = get_queried_object_id();
    $template = get_page_template_slug();
    $pagename = get_query_var('pagename');
    if ( ! $pagename && $id ) {
        // If a static page is set as the front page, $pagename will not be set. Retrieve it from the queried object
        $post = get_queried_object();
        if ( $post )
            $pagename = $post->post_name;
    $templates = array();
    if ( $template && 0 === validate_file( $template ) )
        $templates[] = $template;
    if ( $pagename ) {
        $pagename_decoded = urldecode( $pagename );
        if ( $pagename_decoded !== $pagename ) {
            $templates[] = "page-{$pagename_decoded}.php";
        $templates[] = "page-{$pagename}.php";
    if ( $id )
        $templates[] = "page-{$id}.php";
    $templates[] = 'page.php';
    return get_query_template( 'page', $templates );