Lambda is a keyword used to create an functions without a name or in simple lambda is used to create an anonymous functions,lambda function has n number of argument with a single expression which is processed and returned the result.we know normally a function is defined in python using def statement followed by function name and argument after evaluating it should return the result to get the result value when function is called but lambda has no name and return statement
Syntax Lambda functon
lambda arguments : expression Example Tenpercentage= lambda x :x * 10/100 #"x" is an argument and "x * 10/100" is an expression which got evaluated and returned. print(Tenpercentage(200)) print(Tenpercentage(450)) OutputSee above code in Normal functions syntax def Tenpercentage(n): return n * 10/100 print(Tenpercentage(450))
common usage of python lambda functions
Lambda function perform well if we use lambda functions inside another function see example
See example
def currency_convert(currencyvalue): return lambda x:x*currencyvalue; Israelicurrency=currency_convert(3.48); #find dollar to Israeli New Shekel print(Israelicurrency(100)); print(Israelicurrency(900)); indiancurrency=currency_convert(71.57); #Find dollar to INR print(indiancurrency(100)); print(indiancurrency(900));![]()